
Hello United South Central Parents and Community Members,

It certainly seems like we just started the 2023-2024 school year, and suddenly we are already beginning the month of October! The school year is off to a fast start and fall activities are nearing the end of their regular seasons. As we get further into the school year, we would like to pass along some information on the following topics: 

Virtual Learning Days - Over the summer months we compiled some information from family surveys on Virtual Learning days, and our school board also had some conversations surrounding the best plan for our students as we near the winter portion of the school year. The main goal of utilizing a Virtual Learning option on a day that otherwise would result in a weather-related school closure is to maintain an uninterrupted connection to the routine of school and class content. We also have a limited number of days prior to statewide assessments each spring, and Virtual Learning Days allow us to provide students with the maximum number of instructional days possible prior to this time period. We do realize that we need to partner with families to make Virtual Days successful for our students and that we greatly depend on your support to ensure students have a successful learning experience. Below is a brief summary of the information we gathered from our survey work this summer:

The comments from this survey also gave us some great information surrounding the value of occasional traditional snow days, and consistency in start times. Our school board has approved three Virtual Learning Days for the 2023-2024 school year. In addition, we do have a cushion of time built into our calendar that will enable us to have a small number of regular snow days as well. If a Virtual Learning Day is utilized, we will plan to notify families by 8:00 AM at the latest, and instruction will then begin for both elementary and high school students at 10:00 AM. On Virtual Learning Days, teachers will be available to students over email and virtual meetings/calls. USC also is able to assist with internet access on Virtual Learning days if needed. 

Entryway Safety - To ensure everyone enters the school building safely please remind your student(s) to use the designated crosswalks in front of the school building. This is always a busy area during the mornings and afternoons. Please help us keep everyone safe when entering and exiting the building. 

Prioritizing Attendance - We strongly believe that being present in school is a critical part of getting the highest amount of benefit out of a student's educational experience at USC. This belief is also shared by the State of Minnesota and is reflected in state laws surrounding compulsory attendance at school. Just a reminder that following three unexcused absences a student is considered to be truant. It is our sincere hope that every student garners the highest amount of benefit out of their classes. Please help us to make attendance to school a priority during the 2023-2024 school year by encouraging your students to be present as much as possible. 

We are looking forward to a great homecoming week and a great month of October here at United South Central! Please don’t hesitate to reach out as we partner to provide a quality educational experience to our students.

Go Rebels!

Taylor Topinka, 

USC Superintendent