
Hello, United South Central Parents and Community Members,

As we get into the month of March it certainly seems like spring is here in full force with the great weather we have experienced. The final quarter of the 2023-24 school year is in sight and as the countdowns to the last day of school begin, it is important to continue the final push toward the end of the year with effort and dedication. 

Testing Season - The months of March and April bring us into spring testing at USC. Each year the spring brings several required tests for our students including the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (Grades 3-8, and 9-11) and the ACT (11th Grade). These assessments are very important measures for us as we work to meet the individual needs of each student, and also help us make sure we are providing the best educational support we can. Please encourage your student(s) to put forth their best effort this spring, and to follow healthy habits (getting a full night’s sleep, having a good breakfast, etc.) as we get into testing sessions in the next few weeks. 

Summer Projects - With over 700 students coming into our building each day, and many additional activities our building is always a full and bustling place. We are certainly fortunate to have an excellent facility and during our busy school schedules, we have the continual goal of keeping our building well-maintained. With this in mind, as our building hits the 10-year mark for age we will have finalized plans for many routine maintenance projects to take place over the summer months. As we get into the spring and summer, you will see some work on our roofs, gymnasium floor, and football stadium in addition to other routine maintenance work. Like USC, there were a few stadiums that utilized Metrodome seats in their construction. All of these sites have now replaced their seats as they weathered in an outdoor environment they were not originally intended for. We are grateful that we got as long of useable life as possible for these seats, and for the nostalgia they provided for the initial seasons in our stadium. 

Child Tax Credit and Receipts for School Supplies- As the tax season progresses, please keep in mind that Minnesotans can now claim the Child Tax Credit, with no limit on the number of children claimed. You must file a 2023 individual income tax return in order to claim the credit. Most taxpayers who are eligible to claim the new Child Tax Credit are also eligible for free tax preparation assistance. Learn more about income requirements and qualifications on the Child Tax Credit webpage.β€―

Also, the Minnesota Department of Revenue offers two valuable tax benefits for parents who purchase school supplies for their K-12 students: the K-12 Education Credit and Subtraction. These benefits can reduce parents’ taxes to increase their refund, but is only available for those who keep their receipts. Purchases for most school supplies, field trips, and musical instruments for school band are eligible.

Upcoming Events and Activities at USC - 

  • March 4 - K-12 Evening Conferences

    March 5, Two-Hour Late Start

  • March 27, End of Third Quarter

  • March 28-April 1 - Spring Break

  • April 2, Start of Fourth Quarter

We anticipate a great month of March here at United South Central! We look forward to continue collaborating with you to provide the best education possible to our students. 

Taylor Topinka, 

USC Superintendent