
Please use this link to access the full April Newsletter:

Our warm weather trend continues as April brings us some sunshine and some rain. As we work through the school year, we often wish for the sunshine each day. We desire the warmth and brightness that finally arrives after our long winter. We are encouraged at the site of the first robin, followed soon by the emergence of small green leaves. Is it important to remember that the beautiful indicators of spring need a little rain to grow and thrive. As much as we love our sunshine, we need the rain to keep our world beautiful.

This bears resemblance to the lives of our students. It is great when our days are filled with good things that make our days feel warm and sunny. But, often we have to go through some rain in the form of struggling to learn something new, having determination and grit through testing, and working through relationship struggles. We would not know the true joy of the sunshine (success) without experiencing the rain (struggle) on occasion. For our students, success would not be as fulfilling without some struggles. Help your student to take some time to celebrate the rain and maybe even find ways to dance in the rain because we know sunshine and joy are just around the corner.

Enjoy the rest of your month and find things to be grateful for each day.

Jen Bye

High School Principal