
Hello United South Central Families,

The 2024-2025 school year is rolling and we are excited for what the year has in store for USC and our students. As we get into the routine of the year, we do have a few important items to direct your focus toward.

Virtual Learning - Our school board has approved three Virtual Learning Days for the 2024-2025 school year. In addition, we do have a cushion of time built into our calendar that will enable us to have a small number of regular snow days as well. If a Virtual Learning Day is utilized, we will plan to notify families by 6:20 AM at the latest, and instruction will then begin for both elementary and high school students at 10:00 AM. On Virtual Learning Days, teachers will be available to students over email and virtual meetings/calls. USC also is able to assist with internet access on Virtual Learning days if needed. More information specific to Elementary and Middle/High School procedures will come as the winter weather season approaches. 

Cell Phone Policy Rollout - On October 1st, we will be moving toward a device-free learning environment at USC. This has been a major focus area for our school and board, and it is a decision we have not taken lightly. At its core, this decision is made entirely with the best interests of our students in mind, and we anticipate that this change will have positive effects on both the classroom environment and the overall mental health of our students.

Cell phones and mobile technology have a negative impact on our learning environment, presenting distractions to learning while adversely affecting students' social and mental health. The U.S. Surgeon General has issued a warning about the effects of social media usage on adolescents (ages 13-17), specifically associating risks of harm with the constant accessibility of this influence. Our priority as a school is to ensure students are safe (both physically and mentally) and to provide the best educational experience possible. We believe that this change will help us accomplish both of these goals and enhance the overall school experience for our students.

USC App - Just a general reminder that United South Central has a mobile app that is a great place to go for updated schedules, menus, and general school information. Please check these out if you have not done so already, and consider downloading our App linked below. 

Download for Android: https://bit.ly/44oRuyL

Download for iPhone: https://apple.co/47I5RRP

Tax Relief Program Information - The Minnesota Department of Revenue offers two valuable tax benefits for parents who purchase school supplies for their K-12 students: the K-12 Education Credit and Subtraction. These benefits can reduce parents’ taxes to increase their refund, but is only available for those who keep their receipts. Purchases for most school supplies, field trips, and musical instruments for school band are eligible. Most Minnesota parents qualify for the K-12 subtraction, which reduces their taxable income. Parents under certain income limits may also qualify for the K-12 credit, which can refund up to 75% of their costs – even for parents who do not owe any taxes. Visit the Department of Revenue's website for details: Link to Website

We are looking forward to partnering with you to make this a great year for each of our students. 

Go Rebels!

Taylor Topinka

United South Central Superintendent