Please use this link to access the full October Newsletter:
October News
USC students are enjoying some wonderful fall weather. Students enjoyed MEA break and are working hard as they finish up the first quarter. The end of the quarter is quickly approaching on November 5th. Please encourage your student to finish the quarter strong by turning in work, being engaged in class, and studying for their upcoming tests. The final two weeks of the quarter are filled with opportunities to increase percentages and show growth.
Sports seasons are slowly winding down and students are gearing up for the winter sports seasons. Speech, robotics, yearbook, cheerleading, and theater have begun with practices and the mock trial team will soon be starting the preparation for the court case that will be presented in their competitions. Practices for basketball and wrestling will soon begin. Please encourage your students to try new activities as the year goes on. It is not too late to join a team or attend an informational meeting to get more information.
Wishing all of you a great rest of the month. Fall is certainly upon us with cooler morning temperatures and fall colors decorating the landscape. Enjoy the season, making memories with your families.
Jen Bye
High School Principal