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Hello February
The month of February is filled with great things at USC. Today, February 12th, our juniors are taking the ASVAB Test. The ASVAB is a standardized test that reveals areas of aptitude and ability in science, math, and language. The test shows students areas of strength as they look at choosing a college and career paths. This week students are also celebrating FCCLA week with dress-up days throughout the week.
On Thursday, February 15th, students will take part in an assembly with motivational speaker Craig Hillier. Mr. Hillier has spoken to over two million students since 1990 with his energetic and captivating presentation. Mr. Hillier will also meet with some of our USC student leaders later in the morning to take part in a leadership workshop.
The last part of this week also leads up to Presidents Day weekend. USC students will enjoy a four day weekend with no school on Friday this week and no school on Monday next week. I hope this is a time for families to spend some quality time together and relax from their busy schedules.
Our 8th-grade students will have the opportunity to be involved in the Prairie Fire Theater Experience. Prairie Fire Theater has been a highlight for many of our 8th graders in past years. This year, students will perform the play Peter Pan. Students audition, learn their parts, practice, and perform a play all within about a week. Students will participate in auditions on Thursday afternoon, February 15th, and practice next week during the school day. The performances will be on Tuesday, February 27th at 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM.
USC 7th-grade students will participate in a Courage Retreat on Tuesday, February 20th. Youth Frontiers and some of our 11th-grade leaders will work with the 7th-grade class on skills including kindness, resilience, and courage. Classroom teachers will also be at the retreat throughout the day to guide and monitor students during this day of growth for our students.
On February 23rd, our 9th-grade students will attend a Career Navigator field trip at South Central College in Mankato. Students will have the opportunity to learn more about careers and the skills they will need in order to work in various career fields. Also on February 23rd, the USC drama department will take part in a Theater Workshop sponsored by MSU. Students will also attend a play that evening as part of their workshop experience.
The National Honor Society will also host a blood drive on Wednesday, February 28th with the help of the American Red Cross. The Honor Society students will be signing up students to donate in the upcoming weeks. Students who are 17 years old and older are eligible to sign up to donate. Students aged 16 are able to sign up to donate with a signed parent permission form. This is a great opportunity for students to experience the satisfaction of giving a life-saving gift to someone in need.
USC students continue to work on reading comprehension and reading skills to become better learners. USC is fortunate to have a dedicated and hard-working staff who teach students skills daily to fulfill the goals that USC is passionate about. The top two priority goals this year focus on increasing reading comprehension and teaching students social and emotional skills. Together, the staff are working with parents to help our students become their best selves.
Enjoy the rest of your month and find things to be grateful for each day.
Jen Bye
High School Principal